Lighting with neon lamps will make the treats of the garment glow in the dark. That allows people to follow the stitching lines that guide all our clothes patterns. In natural light, you will see them in solid colors. That playful intention is to boost the viewer's comprehension of how our all garments are produced, regardless of the stitching color.

Our last development is to scale the stitching from garment construction to fabric embroidery. We do not reproduce templates the same, making each piece unique and double-face. Extending our language at the atelier makes the garment evolute to the core of Beira: paying attention to the pattern cut can evolve to reconstruct the fabric itself.

The back of the stitch formed by the three-needle sewing machine is composed of a delicate tangle that differs from regular stitching. We often reverse the patterns to highlight the stitch. For that, the garment is built from the inside out, revealing the backside of the stitch that’s usually hidden. This unique method highlights the shape and the details of each piece.

All of our garments are sewn with triple stitching using a three-needle feed-of-the-arm sewing machine. It forms even stitches with a great consistency that results in reinforced finished seams. This kind of sewing machine is typically used for medium-weight to extra heavy-weight materials and straight cuts. To proceed with this method, we have manually adapted them to work with round cuts and patterns made with minute details that are crafted mainly from extra delicate and fine fabrics. The in-house creation process made it possible to develop these sewing and pattern-making techniques as well.

Hand dyeing is the process of manually applying dye to fabric. No machines are used in this process. Made from natural teas, we usually use beans or onions. The color may get weaker as it is washed.

Our garments don't have overlocks or fast edge finishings. They take several prototype trials to be in production. After we develop a piece, it usually takes at least two days to be finished. All of this work is only possible thanks to our master seamstresses' hands.

Pattern can be one of two things. It is either the decorative design that repeats over and over a fabric, or it is a flat template, made of paper or card, that is used as the key instruction guide for cutting the separate pieces of a garment. Pattern pieces are traced to allow for size, seam allowance and fit. Source: Business of Fashion